Challenging authority!

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Challenging authority!

Post by Piet » 06-05-2015 21:49

This week, I was hungry after a long day of studying at the uni. I took the elevator to the main floor, and when the doors opened, lo and behold: in the main hall there was dinner being served! I quickly guessed why this was, for I knew that there had been some kind of high school exam training going on in the building. Just my luck! All I had to do was look inconspicuous and take some of that lovely food and eat it. And you know what? I did it! Even though I felt really nerveous doing it (what if I got caught?), I did it anyway. Was that a good thing to do? I don't know. The other people there had paid money to take the training, which included this dinner. On the other hand, the leftovers would have been thrown away probably anyway.

Putting the question besides of whether it was a good thing or not to take that food, I really felt the social pressure not to do it. The thing that troubled me most was the risk of getting caught, for that would be really embarrassing. Something else that made me wonder was that no one else had thought of the same idea, or had had the guts to take some of that food. In the end, it was the authority challenge that convinced me--I had to do it, if only to experience doing something that you're not supposed to be doing.

Did you challenge authority lately?

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